

Salary $50,000.00 – $57,000.00 per year

 The Advocate coordinates with attorneys, with a primary focus on tax issues; establishes and maintains positive working relationships with organizations in the service area and state that benefit the client population; prepares and presents community education workshops and conducts outreach events about Legal Aid Society’s mission and services. This role will focus on issues presented by the more rural counties in our service area, including court presence, community education, and court accompaniment for clients. This position is funded in part by, and in collaboration with, one or more grants. Personnel must adhere to goals and outcomes detailed in the grant contract. This position is funded for the duration of the grant and subsequent renewal may result in modification of job duties and responsibilities.


  • Manage our toll-free tax hotline.
  • Interview applicants, evaluate eligibility for assistance, and complete intakes for qualified applicants.
  • Create and maintain working relationships with community partners, including attending collaboration meetings.
  • Coordinate and conduct office-wide and firm-wide community education and outreach events, with a focus on communities and clients with limited English proficiency, for the Tennessee Taxpayer Project and other funders.
  • Work in an office environment to provide paralegal support on cases to attorneys and serve as primary case handler in a limited number of cases, including assistance to clients with limited English proficiency.
  • Attend United States Tax Court and provide support to attorneys assisting taxpayers at court hearings.
  • Adhere to grant and funding requirements.
  • Carefully follow directions and promptly respond to requests of attorneys and other LASMTC staff.
  • Travel within the LASMTC service area will be necessary and required.


  • Licenciatura o un mínimo de dos años de experiencia relevante. Experiencia en trabajo social una ventaja.
  • Previous employment or volunteer work with a law office, court, social service agency, or other related setting.
  • Experiencia trabajando con personas de bajos ingresos.
  • Inteligente y entrenable con un alto grado de iniciativa e inteligencia emocional.
  • Appreciate the experiences and needs of people from diverse economic, social, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Basic proficiency in Windows and Microsoft Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel software.
  • Effective oral and written communication skills, including in client interviews and while helping people in crisis.
  • Fluency in written and spoken Spanish or Arabic is preferred.


Cobertura de seguro médico, dental y de visión el primer día de empleo. Seguro de vida, cuenta de ahorros para atención médica, condonación de préstamos por servicio público elegible, plan 401k, licencia por vacaciones/enfermedad/días festivos.

Cómo aplicar

Required: Cover Letter, Resume, and Three References

Oak Ridge Advocate Application

LASMTC es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y recomienda encarecidamente las solicitudes de personas de color, personas con discapacidades, mujeres, LBGTQIA+ y solicitantes que no se ajusten a su género.

Quienes somos

La misión de Legal Aid Society es promover, defender y hacer cumplir los derechos legales de las personas vulnerables y de bajos ingresos para asegurarles las necesidades básicas de la vida. Nuestro personal incluye autoridades nacionales en los campos de violencia doméstica, vivienda, derecho del consumidor, impuestos federales sobre la renta, defensa de la salud, representación de grupos sin fines de lucro, seguridad social y educación especial.