جمعية المساعدة القانونية تستأجر مساعدًا قانونيًا لحبس الرهن
NASHVILLE, Tenn. June 2, 2016 – Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands, Tennessee’s largest non-profit law firm, announced today that a new community outreach advocate and foreclosure paralegal has been added to the firm.
Tabitha Faulconer has joined Legal Aid Society as a community outreach advocate and foreclosure paralegal and will be serving the attorneys in its Clarksville, Columbia and Gallatin offices. She will work out of the Nashville office.
Faulconer is a 2014 graduate of Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky with a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology. She was a paralegal at a personal injury law firm in Louisville prior to moving to Nashville this year and previously worked as a legal assistant for another Louisville law firm. While in college, she worked as a legal advocate with The Center for Women and Families, a domestic violence organization in Louisville.
“Tabitha’s energy, experience and knowledge of complex cases involving low‐income clients will serve us well,” said Claire Abely, lead attorney of Legal Aid Society’s foreclosure unit. “With the addition of Tabitha, we will be able to reach more people who are at risk of foreclosure and help more people maintain their housing in Middle Tennessee.”
تدافع جمعية المساعدة القانونية في وسط تينيسي وكمبرلاندز عن الإنصاف والعدالة بموجب القانون. تقدم شركة المحاماة غير الربحية تمثيلًا قانونيًا مدنيًا مجانيًا وبرامج تعليمية لمساعدة الأشخاص في منطقتها على الحصول على العدالة وحماية رفاهيتهم ودعم الفرص للتغلب على الفقر. وهي تخدم 48 مقاطعة من مكاتب في كلاركسفيل، وكولومبيا، وكوكفيل، وجالاتين، ومورفريسبورو، وناشفيل، وأوك ريدج، وتولاوما. يتم تمويل جمعية المساعدة القانونية جزئيًا من قبل United Way. تعلم اكثر من خلال www.las.orgأو من خلال متابعة الشركة على فيسبوك.